Towards the end of 2023, Reusefully moved into new office premises. Well, ‘new’ to us as we are now located in an extension to a building which is around 150 years old and was constructed using reclaimed stone to be in keeping with the main property. It’s also within walking distance of half the team (and cycling distance to another)!
As we know office moves can be disruptive to operations but also costly when buying new furniture. There are also other impacts to consider as furniture is a significant source of embodied greenhouse gas emissions and in the UK alone hundreds of tonnes of unwanted office furniture goes to landfill every day. This is why we decided to turn to the services provided by Reyooz who specialise in premium second hand, reused and refurbished office furniture.
We are a small team with a modest office set up, but compared to buying new, we’ve saved well over £4,500 and, our biggest wins, we’ve saved over 1,100kg of embodied carbon and have diverted yet more unwanted ‘waste’ from going to landfill. So, here we are, trying to practice as we preach!