A Pre-Demolition Audit 
(or Pre-Refurbishment Audit) from Reusefully can play a key role in the drive towards greater circularity.

Our audits are provided based on the latest best practice thinking, focusing on the circular economy opportunities provided by any proposed demolition or refurbishment. 

The aim of the audit is: 

  • To provide an understanding of the types and amounts of products and materials arising during demolition/refurbishment to enable reuse in the redevelopment and/or elsewhere

  • To optimise the management of products and materials and provide recommendations to the design team and contractor in line with the waste hierarchy i.e. maximise reuse and recycling and minimise waste to landfill

  • To provide technical advice on the reuse of products and recycling of material on and off-site

  • To facilitate better links and communication within the supply chain and provide details of local charities, organisations and companies who may be able to deal with the reuse and higher value recycling of products and materials arising

  • To provide data to help with populating the Resource Management Plan and in support of any assessment e.g. BREEAM, SKA and planning requirements 

  • To advise on targets for reuse and recycling for products and materials 

  • Mitigation of the negative effects from demolition.

We have 3D scanning capabilities that can greatly enhance pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audits


  • Undertaking the audit will provide the developer and project team with a range of benefits: 

  • Reduced embodied carbon for any new developments by reusing materials

  • Best practice in materials waste management

  • High profile environmental credentials

  • Improved community image and creating social value through reuse. Reduction in local traffic and nuisance during construction projects

  • Reduced waste management and landfill costs, and reduced construction and transport costs through reuse and recycling

Contact Us


+44 (0)1234 385940

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