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Breaking Down the Barriers to Construction Reuse – Howard Button Joins the Reusefully Team

Simon Guy • 27 March 2024

Breaking Down the Barriers to Construction Reuse – Howard Button Joins the Reusefully Team

Howard Button, former president of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC), has joined the Reusefully team as an associate and special adviser on demolition and deconstruction. 

Howard has a vast wealth of knowledge built up from more than 30 years in the demolition industry, and is recognised as a highly respected figure in the sector. He will be bringing his experience to bear on Reusefully projects, providing insight into demolition and deconstruction techniques, and a real-life awareness of the realities and practicalities of reusing construction materials. This will include making a contribution to the pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audits that Reusefully provides.

“Whilst we are moving forward in many areas, we need to ensure that construction reuse projects are based on the economic realities of projects” he says.

“Historically many demolition and strip-out contractors have made good use of some materials, and have well-trodden paths for reuse. We need to continue to make the most of these but also start to add in more reuse for some of the more carbon-intensive materials, as well as picking off some of the lower hanging fruit so that reuse and high value recycling becomes the norm rather than the exception. This will involve addressing issues in demolition procurement, and also working on developing much greater awareness of the ‘art of the possible’ for clients, design teams and project managers.”

Issues such as the availability of storage and the additional time needed to ‘deconstruct’ rather than demolish also need to be factored in.

Howard is maintaining his involvement in the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products’ DISRUPT II project, which is exploring the innovative reuse of structural steel in construction and encouraging the adoption of new circular economy business models.

Last year he became a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) which is awarded to outstanding individuals in the sector, and the pinnacle of CIWM membership.

You can read more about Howard’s activities at

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