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Now is the Time to Act on ‘Reuse’ in Construction!

Simon Guy • 3 October 2023

The construction sector is one of the most wasteful areas of industrial activity in the UK. Defra statistics published in May 2022 showed that construction generates two thirds of all UK waste, and around a third of all the waste that is sent to landfill is from construction activity. This creates an enormous carbon impact and represents a pitiful level of resource efficiency. It also creates a huge financial and social cost.

A recent report from Qflow highlighted that only of 2% construction material is reused following distribution to a waste facility. When you consider this against analysis showing how a higher level of reuse can dramatically impact and reduce our carbon emissions, it’s not difficult to conclude that we have a huge opportunity and driver for us all to increase reuse.

The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) has launched a campaign to focus on this, and encourage greater reuse of building materials within the construction industry and accelerate the transition to a more resource efficient, circular economy.

Reuse Now’ invites likeminded organisations, individuals and groups to come together to share knowledge on reuse, work together on solutions that can encourage reuse, and collaborate to address the barriers and obstacles that have, so far, dampened the supply and demand for reused products. The campaign builds upon the ASBP-led DISRUPT project, which explored the innovative reuse of structural steel in construction through the creation and adoption of new circular business models.

As part of the campaign, ASBP are also asking industry practitioners to help with a survey of the awareness and understanding of reuse as it stands, seeking to understand the barriers and enablers of a more circular economy in construction, and understand current priorities and target the areas where help is most needed.

Furthermore, a Reuse Summit on October 18th in London will provide a platform for those already active in the product reuse space, with panel discussions and inspiring case studies showing what steps the industry can take to increase the uptake of reused materials, looking from structure to flooring, and fittings to furniture.

This event forms part of ReLondon’s Circular Economy (CE) Week 2023, which is now in its sixth year and has grown in strength and reputation, becoming the event for circular economy professional and advocates to share knowledge, insights, innovations and success stories.

Reusefully is supporting the Reuse Summit, which is hosted by ASBP and the Finishes and Interiors Sector (FIS), and you can find out more information on the event and register here. We are involved in reuse at a practical level via

pre-demolition audits, and working on standards and policy recommendations for different stakeholders to try to  accelerate the transition to a more circular business model in construction.

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